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Entrepreneurs must acquire nimbleness. - Business Courses
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Entrepreneurs must acquire nimbleness.

Entrepreneurs must acquire nimbleness.

Your playing partners may have accused you of playing military golf if you are a golf hacker. You are familiar with the routine, and when you hit the ball off the tee, it goes right of the fairway. After that, you hit a recovery shot to get back on the fairway, but the ball ends up in the left rough. When you finally hit the green, the ball goes right and into a bunker.

This example of ‘left right left’ looks like the walking call of warriors, accordingly the term ‘military golf’. You and the other more experienced players successfully reach the eighteenth hole, despite the extra shots and twisted course of your day.

Obviously, hitting the ball straight and far will improve your game, save you a little time, and make you a “successful” golfer. For each fairway, hazard, and green on the course, you must constantly adjust your play and club selection. To find the best course of action, the circumstances necessitate numerous adjustments at each step, including left and right turns.

Think about a sailboat traveling through a bay on a windy day. The captain of the boat is able to see the destination three miles away, but there is a strong headwind and water currents change at different points along the way. The wind and currents will push the boat backwards or in different directions if the sailor tries to steer directly at the target, which will significantly slow his progress.

Making a series of left-and-right maneuvers, or tacking, to take advantage of the wind and currents for rapid forward progress is the key to reaching the distant dock.

The boat seems to get further away from its destination with each left and right turn. The sailor will arrive at his destination in the most effective manner if he carefully considers the target, as well as the winds and currents. Entrepreneurs who are navigating the uncertainty of starting a new business, launching a new product, or entering a new market face this reality every day.

A well-thought-out objective, plans, and contingencies are essential for any new business’s successful operation. It is analogous to turning your boat directly into the headwind and attempting to push through it to adhere rigidly to that plan when new conditions arise. Although a startup company may not have the resources or capital to accomplish this, it may be possible.

The most important thing is to keep an eye on the situation as you carry out your plan and be ready to make adjustments or tacking maneuvers as necessary. The plan’s initial assumptions regarding market conditions, customer behavior, investment requirements for product development, competitors, and emerging technologies will all be challenged over time.

When it comes to putting their plans into action, entrepreneurs need to remain flexible. Keep your attention on the company’s overarching objective and destination, and keep an eye out for any alterations to any key factors that could impede or even speed up progress.

Adjust strategies and next steps, making numerous left and right turns while concentrating on the final destination. When the circumstances change, don’t give up. Instead, just find a way to get around new challenges. At times this requires various instruments, abilities and assets. You will be able to reach into your business golf bag and retrieve that rescue club whenever you need it if you have properly equipped it and practiced at the range.

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